Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Walk Through The Park

It's Sunday, so I went on another walk around Karlsruhe today. I have a love-hate relationship with Sundays; they're nice because no one is around, but everything is closed after ten or eleven in the morning. Including the city's information center. Apparently it's just too much work to dispense information during Sunday afternoons. After I made this discovery, I wandered around the south side of the city's center until I found this incredible park with all of these fountains. I've decided that I really enjoy fountains.

I sat on a bench in the park for a while and then I began my slow wander back towards my side of town. It's great, I love this place. If you get lost, you just have to start walking the general direction of where you think you should be going, and then at some point the church steeple near your destination will appear on the skyline, which makes finding your way home super easy!

On the way back I found this wonderful little chapel that was built some time in the eighteen hundreds and which now sits in the most random spot surrounded by modern-looking buildings. As I was taking photos of this chapella, I noticed a local Polezei van pull up behind two cars that had more than likely been involved in a fender-bender. It was great. These two officers got out and were all like "Hello, we're Germans. And we're police officers. Which makes us German Cops. Which means you're going to calm down and step back before we pummel you". At least that's what I think what was going on. I was actually across the street and didn't hear what they were saying, but I'm sure it was something just as cool. Either way, I stood and stared for as long as I thought appropriate before I continued my walk home.

Other than that, this weekend hasn't been very eventful. I think I will get started on some of the work that I told myself that I would do over the summer (new RHA website, here I come). I think next weekend the Canadian RISE student who lives around the block from where I do and I are planning on crossing the border into France and spending some time in Strasbourg. The border to France is about twenty feet outside of town, and Strasbourg is only 88km south of here. It should make for a good trip.

I posted the photos that I took today under the "Around Karlsruhe" album as well as under the "Germany Trip 2009" album. At the end of the trip, everything but the "Germany Trip 2009" album will disappear, I'm just keeping the others up in the mean time for organizational sake.

So with that said, "Happy Father's Day!".

1 comment:

Josh Gana said...

You shall enjoy french wine.