Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dinner On The Roof

Today was one of the better days I have had in a long time, and as you might have guessed, tonight we had dinner on the roof.

I didn't do much at work today. My supervisor is out until tomorrow and someone else was using the machine that I needed. So for most of the day I helped out around the lab as I was able, and then I went shopping for groceries. At around 3 or so I headed back to the Installation (it was about 87ºF today, and the Installation has air-conditioning). I mostly just sat around and worked on my book, but I also found out that some of the researchers were planning on grilling that evening on the patio / roof of the building that houses the institute. I of course was all up for that, and let me tell you, it was an incredible evening!

There were eight of us and we pulled a couple tables and some chairs out onto the roof/patio/deck and enjoyed a dinner of grilled sausages, fresh salad, and roasted cheese. We just sat, ate, and talked as the sun set behind us and thunder clapped in the distance. The light cloud cover made for the perfect temperature, and the view was simply idyllic with church steeples and tree tops poking up from the university high-rise buildings. It was fantastic and didn't last nearly long enough. At first there was some trouble getting the coals in the grill lit, but one of the senior professors was able to show us the proper way to ignite a BBQ using some lab-quality ethanol. That was interesting. Oh, and Melissa and I introduced our German friends to the Lonely Island song, "I'm on a boat" (with the video accompaniment, of course). That was also very interesting.

I'm excited for our trip to Munich this weekend, it looks like there is going to be at least a few of us going. It also looks like people are putting together a trip to either "Europa Park" (or something of that nature) or to go wind-surfing and whatnot. Either one would be fantastic! Oh, and I found out today that the Princess of Thailand was Karlsruhe today. I don't know how long she is planning on staying or what she is up to, but I thought that made for a fun fact of the day. Anyway, I'm off to bed (I can't believe that it's almost midnight already!).

So with that said, "How do you say 'lighter-fluid' in German?".

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