Saturday, August 8, 2009

Prague - Day One

Today was a pretty nice day. I'm pretty tired though; I can tell that all of the travelling has started to wear me down. And I've also decided that it was a mistake to visit Paris before Prague. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty to see and do in Prague, but after how incredible Paris was, Prague just didn't have a chance to deliver, especially in only thirty hours.

We left Karlsruhe last night (Friday, 07 August) at 11 PM and took a direct night train to Prague. We made reservations for two seats, but because of some mix-up with the carriages, we ended up getting two spots in a sleeper car. It was nice to be able to lie down and sleep on the way. We got to Prague around 10:30 AM and we hit the town after exchanging some money and stashing our stuff in a locker at the train station.

We spent most of the day just walking around the Old Town. We watched the old Clock Works at the astronomical clock, climbed the old town hall tower, and bought lunch from a corner sausage stand. We walked through some churches and spent some time looking at this really cool church that has a whole set of buildings just built right up next to it. Because of our path of travel we were actually able to walk along both sides of the river after crossing the old Charles' Bridge.

The late afternoon was spent hiking up Petrin Hill and then climbing up the observation tower that was design to look like the Eiffel. It's only 60 meters tall, but because of the hill it sits on, it almost matches the Eiffel Tower's 300 meter altitude above the city.

We stopped and had dinner at a street cafe before heading out of town to spend the night. We CouchSurfed again, and this time we stayed with a fellow who had an apartment on the university campus. It was a little confusing getting there, but it all worked out in the end.

So with that said, "I'm exhausted.".

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