Thursday, August 20, 2009

Preparing For The End

Things have been kind of quiet around the blog lately, and that's mostly because things have been so busy around the Installation. I've been working almost 13 hour days trying to get everything finished before I leave on Saturday. Yesterday was my last day in the lab, so I was a little rushed to finish all of the experiments that I wanted to conduct. Today I gave my concluding presentation to the staff and colleagues here at the institution. I think it went pretty well. I didn't have time to translate it, so I did it in English, but I think everyone for the most part understood everything.

It's also been pretty warm in Karlsruhe the last week or so. It's supposed to get to 37°C (which is almost 99°F) at some point today, but I'm not sure if it will make it quite that high.

Other than that, there isn't a whole lot to report. I'm getting ready to fly home on Saturday, and at this point I'm kind of excited to get back state-side.

So with that said, "See you all soon!".

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