Friday, June 26, 2009


Not much happened today. I sat in on that class yesterday. I might as well have slept through it, really. The lecture comprised of three different presentations by students and I didn't understand a single thing that was said. I will more than likely not be going back next week.

Speaking of presentations, I gave mine today. If you are curious, you can view the finished version here. As I am sure you will notice, the slides are all in German, and in fact I gave the presentation in German (well, until the last page, but I even answered some questions in German!). I was really impressed with myself until I found out I had made a couple mistakes in my translations. Apparently I am interested in "waste and circular mail systems". Yes, circular mail systems. What I meant to say was that I am interested in waste-recycling systems, but apparently Google Translate didn't appreciate that. Other than that, though, I think I did pretty good.

There is a festival here in town that I am planning on going to tonight, I will let you know how that goes. Oh, and it looks like it is going to thunderstorm during our trip to Strasbourg tomorrow. The good news is that it will most likely not rain. This way we will at least be dry as were getting struck by lighting taking pictures of the Strasbourg cathedral. Again, I will let you know how that goes.

So with that said, "What does that slide say?".

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