Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rocking The Lab Coat

Well, I broke the Internet. At least, that's what I think happened. Either way, the Internet is no longer working at my apartment. It kicked off at some point last night, and it is my hope that it comes back on here pretty soon. If it doesn't, then my only Internet access is going to be here at work, during my numerous coffee breaks. Let me tell you, they certainly don't pay by the hour around here.

We are rerunning the same experiment that we tried on Tuesday. It's sitting and stirring right now and hopefully it works this time. The experiment itself is time dependant and regulated, so we didn't start until after lunch. Which meant that I got to sit in my office (wearing my lab coat) and do all the paperwork that I had left over from yesterday and the day before. I'm not going to lie, I felt pretty official as people knocked on my closed door and I told them to come in. Pretty official indeed.

I actually saw a reflection of myself in the mirror earlier today as I walked through one of the labs with our newest set of calculations (I do a lot of calculations; I'm pretty much the math guy for the project) and a couple of thoughts popped into my mind. The first of which was that I cut a rather dashing figure with my ruffled hair, glasses, and lab coat with it's black pen sticking out of the chest pocket. Just as I was enjoying this thought, the second took its place: ÜBER NERD ALERT! Yeah, I look pretty nerdy. But I look just like the rest of the researchers running around the Installation, and I certainly wouldn't dare tell Dr. Müller he looks like a nerd. He would most likely knock me through a wall.

I found out a couple of things this week. First of all, there is another RISE student arriving at the Institute on Monday, which is good, because that gives me someone to go to Heidelberg with in a couple of weeks. The second thing that I learned is that there is a movie theater in town that shows English films. This is good because I don't want to have to work too hard the first time I see Transformers 2.

Well, my time is almost up, so I think I will call this good for the day. I'm not sure what I will do for dinner, but worst case scenario, I just crack open that Leberwurst again.

So with that said, "Yay for rye-bread".


Unknown said...

We sure do enjoy reading your blog.

Cameo said...

I think you need to invest in a pocket protector if you're going to be walking around with a pen in your breast pocket.

Melissa said...

I like that in Germany you will wear your glasses but not here. Interesting. And trust me most of us already knew you were a nerd :) and we still like you anyway!