Monday, June 22, 2009

Americans Everywhere!

All of the sudden today there were Americans everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I really just mean that there were two more of them, and only one unexpected. But regardless, there were more Americans than usual at the Installation today.

The other RISE student from California arrived today. Melissa, as she is ironically named, is going to be a senior in Environmental Engineering this fall at CalPoly. She doesn't speak a thing of German and sadly lives on the other side of town from the Installation. This ought to be interesting. And then halfway through the day some high-schooler from Washington D.C. was getting the in-depth tour of the facility. Not sure what that was all about, but yay for more Americans. Maybe if we are lucky, we will actually have a continental US to return to! Boo Nuclear War with North Korea.

I also want to take this time to clarify a statement I made regarding Dr. Müller, the director of the institute. Dr. Müller does not in any way look nerdy, or in all actuality, appear as a scientist at all. In fact Dr. Müller looks more like a 1980's Rocker than a Chemical Engineer (the later of which he is, but I don't know whether he rocked the '80s or not, maybe I will ask). You see, Dr. Müller walks around with his hair slicked up and back, a collared shirt with at least the top two buttons undone, tight black jeans, and heeled-shoes that make this knocking noise wherever he goes. I don't actually know if that is what ex-1980's rockers wear or not, but that's the image that comes to my mind.

And now it's raining. But this isn't an Oregon rain. I could laugh. HA! (see, I just did). The other day at lunch some of my colleagues were complaining about how hard it was raining outside and I almost spit sauerkraut everywhere. It doesn't rain here, it just mists heavily. It's like God is Febreze-ing us with water. It's just really hard to beat that north-Pacific coastal rain that we get in the valley.

So with that said, "Until next time. That is if there is a next time; a fact that is in great question considering North Korea and Iran are both acting up. In any case, remember, when you see the flash, duck and cover".

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow there are Melissa's everywhere that is hilarious! and yes, I FINALLY have internet again and SO much to talk to you about!